Guides often lack the practical and theoretical knowledge of nature and wilderness living. In this course I teach the basics of the arctic nature, living in wilderness and how to survive. This is all done under the aspect of the responsibility of a guide. Depending on the season or on request the focus is on summer or winter. The course is done in a setting of a 4 days wilderness excursion (hiking, canoeing or skiing). First Aid in wilderness is also part of the course.

During the course every participant creates a knowledge journal. In the evening we repeat all topics from the day.

Optional modules after the excursion

  • Small Engine maintenance (2 hours)
  • ATV/Snowmobile use and maintenance (depending on season) (4 hours)
  • Snowmobile driving under difficult conditions (1 day)
  • use of chainsaw (4 hours)
  • basic dog handling (4-8 hours)
minimum participants4
maximum participantsDepends on the length of the course
and the amount of instructors.
For a short course 12.
possible timesyear around
duration4 days or more